Last weekend I was study and study and I couldn't sleep enough, so when Monday came, I was tired and sleepy all day, because it was time for me, when I wanted to sleep. Now I should study too, but firstly I want to write short note here.
Well, at least days are warm! Today we had the Polish lesson in school's garden and girls told me, I tanned =.=" I love my anemic white... But this year I won't stay pale, because in July I'm going with my family to the Spain *w* I've never been there before, but I'm in love with warm countries! I would to have a private house in one of them, maybe in south part of France? Not living there for all the time, because even if Poland is quite boring and people are usually narrow-minded, I love my country and I think it will never change if everybody, who isn't ordinary, will run away. It's easy to go to the UK, USA or Japan and stay there and use it, what people from there made in society. I think you're more clever if you stay in your country, even if people there usually have antiquated ideas and you're working for change their minds. I hope one day Polish streets will have their own site as tokyofashion.com ^^
Extra, today when I was looking for informations about Caesar Borgia, I found the manga about him, called "Cantarella". There are only 3 chapters which I've found, but I hope I'll find more. I love people like Caesar Borgia. I'm not sure why; maybe because he was breaking rules which were in society his times? It's possible. I like Heliogabal and Rimbaud with Verlaine and Bursa and many more... Machiavelli is interesting too.
But in real life I'm looking for clever persons. I love when I can talk with somebody not only parties, some music, some movies (of course which are "hot"), clothes or things like this. I would like to find intelligent people, who could become my friends. I don't tell that people who I know now aren't brilliant. Usually they are, but it doesn't change the fact that this year we're moving out for universities... Some people even want to go abroad.
I will be missing them. It's second time when I liked my class and first time, when I'll be missing them. I liked my class first time when I was 8 and we had to change our school. Then most people has changed a lot and I don't miss this people who they became.
Okay, now November Uprising is waiting for my interest and it's time to do this!
P.S. Do you know any method to make your skin brighter? In Poland most women are going to the solarium, because they want to be bronze, so it's not so easy to find something working in second way >.<
Last weekend I was study and study and I couldn't sleep enough, so when Monday came, I was tired and sleepy all day, because it was time for me, when I wanted to sleep. Now I should study too, but firstly I want to write short note here.
Well, at least days are warm! Today we had the Polish lesson in school's garden and girls told me, I tanned =.=" I love my anemic white... But this year I won't stay pale, because in July I'm going with my family to the Spain *w* I've never been there before, but I'm in love with warm countries! I would to have a private house in one of them, maybe in south part of France? Not living there for all the time, because even if Poland is quite boring and people are usually narrow-minded, I love my country and I think it will never change if everybody, who isn't ordinary, will run away. It's easy to go to the UK, USA or Japan and stay there and use it, what people from there made in society. I think you're more clever if you stay in your country, even if people there usually have antiquated ideas and you're working for change their minds. I hope one day Polish streets will have their own site as tokyofashion.com ^^
But in real life I'm looking for clever persons. I love when I can talk with somebody not only parties, some music, some movies (of course which are "hot"), clothes or things like this. I would like to find intelligent people, who could become my friends. I don't tell that people who I know now aren't brilliant. Usually they are, but it doesn't change the fact that this year we're moving out for universities... Some people even want to go abroad.
I will be missing them. It's second time when I liked my class and first time, when I'll be missing them. I liked my class first time when I was 8 and we had to change our school. Then most people has changed a lot and I don't miss this people who they became.
Okay, now November Uprising is waiting for my interest and it's time to do this!
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