Adidas ObyO batwing hoodie by Jeremy Scott

Amazing! My fantastic hoodie came to me yesterday and it's so great *w*  It was sent week ago, so it's not so long time from England to Poland (my friend went to England in August and didn't came here until now xD  I miss him ;c)! I would wear it all the time, but it's too warm indoor. But I'm happy it is, because I was thinking about spring during the all long winter... Last weekend I cleaned my windows so now I can see the spring better or sitting on my windowsill~
These are positive sides of last time, the dark side is the dentist ._.  Well, maybe not so dark, but today I went there and she was filling my tooth. I wanted to learn survive it without anesthetic... I got by, so I'm very glad of me, because I'm very sensitive on pain! Does anybody know how to have filling the tooth and don't feel the pain? I started thinking about Northern War (1700-1721) but it wasn't absolutely effective >.<  I don't want to suffer next time when I'll have to go there!
Okay, I'm writing here again and tmr it's class work. Ages from 1918 to 1939... Hard time. I wouldn't live there, so many wars and people weren't protected by law, for example during the economy crisis in 1929... In US they hadn't any allowances from the government, an if they hadn't found the work, they hadn't any money. How to live without money? It's impossible if you're not a farmer.
Haha it's only small part of informations which I have to know for tmr >.<  Back to work!


  1. Really nice hoodie ! I wanna get one too !!

    PS : I'm french and the right sentence from Baudelaire is "Les sages n'en ont pas d'aussi beaux que les fous !"



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